Dr Marianne Coleman
Research Fellow
National Centre for Healthy Ageing
Monash University & Peninsula Health

About me
I am an orthoptist, which means straight eyes in Latin! Orthoptists treat problems with moving the eyes around or using them together to judge distances.I have 10+ years of clinical research experience. I collaborate with many disciplines outside of eyecare, so everyone can "think vision"!Click the arrow to view my profile and a snapshot of publications.

Research areas
Dementia-friendly eyecare
Children's vision
Binocular vision
Health services researchClick the arrow to view media articles and blogs related to my research.

My papers
I publish under my maiden name, Marianne Piano. Click the arrow to access my Google Scholar profile and view my publications.

Dementia-friendly eyecare resources
Created in collaboration with Dementia Advocates and now hosted on Dementia Australia's National Library Guide!

Contact me
Follow me on your social media of choice using the icons below, or click the arrow to email me.